AI Enablement Guide

Six practical steps every organisation should take to accelerate adoption.

Assign a Chief AI Officer

Objective: Designate an employee or independent contractor, like AI New Zealand, to lead the organisation's AI roadmap and adoption program.

  • Key Activities:

    • Identify a suitable candidate with proven ability to lead business improvement projects.

    • Define the role and responsibilities, including setting AI strategy, overseeing AI projects, and ensuring ethical AI use.

    • Ensure the CAIO has the necessary authority and resources to drive AI adoption across the organization.

Identify risks and implement Governance Protocols

Objective: Develop and implement policies and governance protocols to help employees make informed decisions on AI use at work.

  • Key Activities:

    • Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential AI-related risks, including data privacy, bias, and security.

    • Develop clear guidelines and policies for AI use, including data management and privacy protocols.

    • Establish a governance framework that ensures responsible AI use and compliance with regulatory requirements

Publish a principles-based AI Policy

Objective: Share how the organisation will use AI, manage data, and ensure privacy in line with partners, suppliers, customers, and regulatory expectations.

  • Key Activities:

    • Develop a principles-based AI policy that outlines the organisation's commitment to ethical AI use.

    • Publish the policy and make it accessible to all stakeholders, including employees, partners, suppliers, and customers.

    • Regularly review and update the policy to ensure it remains relevant and compliant with evolving regulatory requirements.

Identify practical AI applications

Objective: Identify the practical ways the organisation could use AI to accelerate productivity and innovation.

  • Key Activities:

    • Conduct a business process analysis to identify areas where AI can add value.

    • Explore AI-powered tools and technologies that can automate or augment tasks, improve decision-making, and enhance customer experiences.

    • Develop a roadmap for AI implementation, prioritising areas with the greatest potential impact.

Operationalise AI with skills-based training

Objective: Operationalise new ways of working with AI through skills-based training for AI-powered tools.

  • Key Activities:

    • Develop a training program that equips employees with the necessary skills to use AI tools effectively.

    • Provide ongoing support and resources to ensure employees can integrate AI into their workflows.

    • Monitor progress and adjust training programs as needed to ensure successful AI adoption and utilisation.

Innovate at the pace of trust

Objective: Foster a culture of trust in AI, ensuring that solutions are developed and deployed responsibly..

  • Key Activities:

    • Develop strategies to build trust in AI, including explainability, transparency, and data integrity to ensure AI outputs are reliable and trustworthy.

    • Encourage a culture of innovation and experimentation, where AI is used to drive new business opportunities and improve existing processes.

    • Engage with stakeholders to ensure that AI initiatives align with broader organisational goals and ethical standards, and to foster a collaborative environment for AI.

Boosting business productivity.

Make knowledge instantly accessible.

Just like ChatGPT or Perplexity makes public knowledge instantly accessible. You can make a chatbot to answer questions about your products, services or specific expertise.

Accelerate document creation.

Whether you’re responding to emails, producing reports, resource consents, or sales proposals. AI tools can boost your productivity by suggesting and curating content from the internet or your business knowledge.

Integrate to enhance workflows.

With enterprise grade AI platforms businesses can connect disparate data sources. Creating a company brain to augment workflows and create smart AI assistants that automate previously manual tasks.

Consider these recommendations.

Bring the AI to you.

With free, consumer grade tools like ChatGPT you’re sending your knowledge and documents to external AI systems.

It’s vital to deploy enterprise AI tools to provide a safe space for employees to leverage company data with LLMs, while retaining the knowledge and privacy within your tenancy.

Start small, think big.

Quick wins are as important as thinking about your long term AI roadmap. To build confidence and momentum find the practical applications for AI you can deploy fast.

Avoid AI overload.

Every day there are 100’s of new AI tools launched. Today there’s an AI for almost everything and it quickly becomes daunting, confusing.

Identifying the practical uses cases will help consolidate AI enabled workflows into a few widely adopted tools that everyone has the skills to leverage.

Practical advice to help your organisation leverage AI.


Discover why, where and how to leverage AI in your organisation with independent advice & practical workshops.

CEO Discovery - 1 hr. Break through the noise with practical advice to help you and your business leverage AI.

Lunch & Learn - 1 hr - Get your team together to learn how AI can super charge their potential, showcasing practical business use cases, and advice to fuel curiosity & confidence.


Empower your people with the practical skills to augment & optimise day-to-day tasks with Generative AI.

AI Workshop - 2 hrs - Practical session for teams of 3-6. We showcase & discuss use cases, tools and governance for your business.

Executive AI Briefing - 3 hrs - This deep-dive will equip your leaders to make informed decisions on how to leverage AI across the business.


Leverage business data with enterprise AI tools and practical training to boost productivity & effectiveness securely.

AI Enablement - 12 wks - Empower your people with AI skills and tools to supercharge their potential. Our program will ensure your AI initiative is safe, practical and effective.

Chief AI Officer - Ongoing - Employ a fractional CAIO to advance AI enablement across the organisation safely and responsibly.

Our Experienced Facilitators.

  • Justin Flitter

    Justin Flitter | Founder | Chief AI Officer

    Locations: NZ | Global

    Justin founded AI New Zealand in 2017 to help Kiwi companies use AI. Since then he’s presented at 100’s of events, and facilitated dozens of workshops helping companies of all sizes find the practical ways they can use AI.

    He’s a Director on the Board of Business Mentors NZ, Chair of The NZ Tech Marketers Group and Emcee of TEDxAuckland.

    Justin hosts New Zealand’s longest running monthly AI event, The AI Show.

  • Ben Walker

    Ben Walker | AI for Business Advisor

    Locations: NZ | Dunedin

    With over 25 years in technology, Ben possesses a deep understanding of technology architecture and the practical applications of Artificial Intelligence.

    Ben is skilled in aligning business objectives with technology, leading to effective implementations.

  • Simon Small | Exec AI Advisor | AI Governance

    Locations: UK | NZ | Global

    As an AI Governance expert and the founder of Kegai, a boutique AI Governance practice in the City of London, I am renowned for introducing GovernanceTech to FTSE100 boards (Diligent) and co-founding Arria NLG, a leading Enterprise Generative AI unicorn recognized by Gartner as a world leader.

    Simon is an author, podcaster, and trusted advisor, and host of London’s top Enterprise Gen AI meetup.