Auckland based #AI company raises $2.58 million!
Auckland based AI company Narrative has raised $2.58 Million in funding to grow globally.
Webinar: Sam Daish from Qrious on AI Strategy, Data Scientists, and building NZ’s AI economy.
Webinar: Sam Daish from Qrious on AI Strategy, Data Scientists, and building NZ’s AI economy.
Game-changing #AI to help people suffering early stage arthritis.
Surgeons are using AI-driven software developed by the Auckland Bioengineering Institute (ABI) to operate on arthritic knees.
Fine Wine Delivery Company and Spacetime create an AI-Powered beverage finder.
Auckland based AI development agency Spacetime has partnered with The Fine Wine Delivery Company to product the Flavour Wheel which allows customers to access decades of knowledge at the touch of a button.
Who’s representing NZ on the Global Partnership for AI?
The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence or GPAI (Gee-Pay) is an international and multistakeholder initiative to guide the responsible development and use of artificial intelligence consistent with human rights, fundamental freedoms, and shared democratic values, as reflected in the OECD Recommendation on AI.
New Zealand is co-designing regulatory frameworks for AI
The World Economic Forum is spearheading a multistakeholder, evidence-based policy project in partnership with the Government of New Zealand. The project aims at co-designing actionable governance frameworks for AI regulation.
AI Internship opportunity with The Asia New Zealand Foundation.
The Asia New Zealand Foundation invites undergraduate and post graduate science and engineering students specialising in artificial intelligence, robotics or data analytics to apply for an internship in Japan with Mitsubishi Electric in 2019-2020.
Wych, the NZ based, AI-powered financial personal assistant partners with Australian ACCC.
In another exciting announcement - New Zealand based Wych has been selected as a primary test partner for the Australian ACCC CDS/CDR Standards. The Voice-Enabled, AI-powered financial personal assistant app is aiming to become a leader in the emerging Australian Open Banking sector.
Should citizens be algorithm regulators?
A new report by OpenAI suggests we should create external citizen regulatory bodies to evaluate the societal impact of algorithm-based decisions.
Neil deGrasse Tyson interviews robot Sophia about how #AI can help fight COVID-19.
In this hilarious and fascinating video, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Sophia the Robot Explore COVID-19 and Artificial Intelligence
The largest data repository in the world.
Google recently released datasetsearch, a free tool for searching 25 million publicly available datasets.
Six questions to break through the AI hype.
The AI hype-cycle is in full swing. But many of the so call game-changing innovation promoted by AI companies have not actually come to fruition or ended up the way they were promoted. So how do you break through the hype?
Why you need to understand the three-segmented Zipf’s Law if you’re working on NLP #AI.
The brain processes common words differently from uncommon ones, an idea that has important consequences for natural-language processing and the automatic generation of text.
Building the ultimate AI team
What are the ideal roles and skill-sets you need for an AI project?
Robots that can think 10,000x faster than humans.
James Lovelock: The creator of Gaia theory on humanity's future says robots will need humans to maintain earth so they can co-exist.
How Organizations Can Harness the Power of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
In this webinar Katie King, well known AI author and CEO of AI in Business shares her journey in the AI industry, tips and perspectives on how to think about AI, common misconceptions, her work with the UK All-Party Parliament, and the impacts of COVID-19 on the AI industry.
Major Facial Recognition AI companies pause deployment
Even tech giants like Amazon, IBM, and Google, which had earlier decided not to offer a facial recognition API, do not think this technology is ready for use by police.
NZ AI Roadshow - Summary Podcast
The roadshow features speakers from various organizations, including AI New Zealand, AWS, Arcanum, and CustomD, who provide practical advice and case studies on how AI is being used to solve real-world problems in New Zealand.