AI New Zealand

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Start building your AI for Business skills: A Two-Step Plan.

Getting proficient with Artificial Intelligence may seem like an overwhelming task. But fear not; I've got a simplified, two-step approach that can help you and your team get started.

Step 1: Choose Your AI Wisely

The first step in your AI journey is to get your hands on a high-quality Large Language Model. Currently, there are three significant options to consider:

  1. OpenAI’s GPT-4: Undoubtedly the leader in the field, GPT-4 offers an unmatched conversational experience and language understanding. It's available via a Plus subscription or for free through Microsoft Bing's creative mode.

  2. Anthropic’s Claude 2: A solid contender, Claude 2 shines when handling longer documents. It has a free tier, but faster access comes with a paid subscription.

  3. Google’s Bard: Although trailing behind its competitors, Google's Bard offers a robust, free service.

So, choose your AI based on your specific needs, whether it's the ability to handle longer documents, conversation quality, or budget.

Step 2: Dive Right In

Once you’ve got your AI tool, it’s time to dive right in. Use it for anything you’re ethically and legally permitted to do.

  • Idea Generation: Stuck in a creative rut? Ask your AI for fresh concepts or perspectives.

  • Meeting Summaries: Record your meeting discussions and let AI extract the key action items for you.

  • Email Drafting: Collaborate with your AI in drafting professional emails to clients, partners, or team members.

  • Challenge your thinking: Discuss your strategy, approach, or ideas with the AI, asking for alternative options, constructive critique, or comparisons.

  • Your personal coach: You can train these AI platforms to become your personal coach and mentor for any role, task, or objective. Ask me for the ChatGPT Super-Coach prompt.

The 10-Hour Rule

You'll need approximately 10 hours of hands-on experience to truly understand the capabilities and limitations of AI in your industry or job role. No instruction manual can teach you that; you’ve got to learn by doing.

In Conclusion

Getting good at AI is less about instruction and more about interaction. The landscape constantly evolves, so it's crucial to remain flexible and adaptive.

Jump right in, test the waters, and you'll soon understand how this remarkable technology can reshape your business in ways you've never imagined.

So there you go! A straightforward plan to get you started on your AI journey.